Good organization is the key for success
The Faculty of Organizational Sciences, as part of the University of Belgrade, is the leading faculty in Serbia and the region in the field of information systems and technologies, organization and management.
Latest news
Welcome to the faculty that combines the best of informatics and management! The special value of FON is represented by a wide range of events and activities organized by teachers and students
Studies at FON
FON is an ideal place for all those who want to improve their skills in the field of advanced information technologies and modern business management. All study programs that have been implemented at FON, have a strong quantitative and informational foundation, forming the basis not only for organizational knowledge but also for knowledge directly pertinent to each specific study program. The attained professional title “graduate engineer of organizational sciences” belongs to the field of technical and technological sciences.

Bachelor studies
The latest knowledge and skills, familiarization and mastery of contemporary methods and techniques, and preparation for successful application in practice.

Master studies
Acquisition of competencies and academic skills for solving practical and theoretical problems in the chosen field of study.

Specialist studies
They provide an opportunity for further academic advancement and specialization in the chosen field of study.

PhD Studies
Aligned with current trends in the development of the respective scientific discipline globally.

FON is an accredited higher education institution by the National Accreditation Body for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NAT). According to NAT’s decision from 2022, FON is a higher education and research institution in the fields of technical-technological and social sciences.

International Accreditation
FON has received international accreditation for its undergraduate academic programs in all three study fields from the German agency ASIIN, covering study programs in the fields of technical sciences, information technology, natural sciences, and mathematics.