Slađan Babarogić
Full professor
Katedra za informacione sisteme
- sladjan.babarogic@fon.bg.ac.rs
- 407
- Monday 10:00 - 12:00

Termin konsultacija
Academic career
2011. doktor tehničkih nauka, Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu
2004. magistar tehničkih nauka, Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu
1996. dipl. inž. – informacioni sistemi, Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu
2004. magistar tehničkih nauka, Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu
1996. dipl. inž. – informacioni sistemi, Fakultet organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu
Selected publications
S. Babarogić , D. Makajić-Nikolić, D. Lečić-Cvetković, N. Atanasov: „Multi-period Customer Service Level Maximization under Limited Production Capacity”, International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, str. 798-806, 2012. ISSN 1841-9836 [eSCI, Impact factor 2012 = 0.441] [M23]
D. Lečić-Cvetković, N. Atanasov, S. Babarogić: „An Algorithm For Customer Order Fulfillment In A Make To-Stock Manufacturing System”, International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, str. 783-791, 2010. ISSN 1841-9836 [eSCI, Impact factor 2010 = 0.650] [M23]
Petrović M., Turajlić N., Vučković M., Babarogić S., Aničić N.: „Development of ETL Processes Using the Domain-Specific Modeling Approach“, poglavlje u Emerging Perspectives in Big Data Warehousing (urednici: D. Taniar i W. Rahayu), pp. 225-278, ISBN: 978-15-225-5516-2, izdavač: IGI Global:Hershey, PA. (DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5516-2.ch010). (2019. godina) [M14]
M. Petrović, M. Vučković, N. Turajlić, S. Babarogić, N. Aničić, Z. Marjanović: Automating ETL Processes Using the Domain-Specific Modeling Approach, Information Systems and e-Business Management Journal, Special Issue – Model-based engineering for next-generation Enterprise Information Systems, str. 1-36, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10257-016-0325-8, ISSN: 1617-9846 (print version), ISSN: 1617-9854 (electronic version) [eSCI, Impact factor 2016 = 1.723] [M22]
Srdja Bjeladinovic, Zoran Marjanovic, Sladjan Babarogic: A proposal of architecture for integration and uniform use of hybrid SQL/NoSQL database components, Journal of Systems and Software 168: 110633, 2020, ISSN: 0164-1212, [eSCI, Impact factor 2020 = 2.45] [M21]
Pajić Simović, A.; Babarogić, S.; Pantelić, O.; Krstović, S. Towards a Domain-Specific Modeling Language for Extracting Event Logs from ERP Systems. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 5476. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125476 [eSCI, Impact factor 2019 = 2.47] [M22]
Elena Jelisic, Nenad Ivezic, Boonserm Kulvatunyou, Pavle Milosevic, Sladjan Babarogic, Zoran Marjanovic, A novel business context-based approach for improved standards-based systems integration—a feasibility study, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Volume 30, 2022, 100385, ISSN 2452-414X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jii.2022.100385. [eSCI, Impact factor 2021 = 11.718] [M21a]
D. Lečić-Cvetković, N. Atanasov, S. Babarogić, N. Aničić: Web-Based Implementation Of Replenishment Process In Distribution Channels – A Case Study, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, vol. 18 no. 6, pp. 291-299, 2011. Online ISSN 1943-670X [eSCI, Impact factor 2010 = 0.203] [M23]
D. Makajić-Nikolić, S. Babarogić, D. Lečić-Cvetković, N. Atanasov: An Algorithm for Production Planning Based on Supply Chain KPIs, International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, str. 711-720, 2014. ISSN 1841-9836 [eSCI, Impact factor 2014 = 0.746] [M23]
D. Lečić-Cvetković, N. Atanasov, S. Babarogić: „An Algorithm For Customer Order Fulfillment In A Make To-Stock Manufacturing System”, International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, str. 783-791, 2010. ISSN 1841-9836 [eSCI, Impact factor 2010 = 0.650] [M23]
Petrović M., Turajlić N., Vučković M., Babarogić S., Aničić N.: „Development of ETL Processes Using the Domain-Specific Modeling Approach“, poglavlje u Emerging Perspectives in Big Data Warehousing (urednici: D. Taniar i W. Rahayu), pp. 225-278, ISBN: 978-15-225-5516-2, izdavač: IGI Global:Hershey, PA. (DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5516-2.ch010). (2019. godina) [M14]
M. Petrović, M. Vučković, N. Turajlić, S. Babarogić, N. Aničić, Z. Marjanović: Automating ETL Processes Using the Domain-Specific Modeling Approach, Information Systems and e-Business Management Journal, Special Issue – Model-based engineering for next-generation Enterprise Information Systems, str. 1-36, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10257-016-0325-8, ISSN: 1617-9846 (print version), ISSN: 1617-9854 (electronic version) [eSCI, Impact factor 2016 = 1.723] [M22]
Srdja Bjeladinovic, Zoran Marjanovic, Sladjan Babarogic: A proposal of architecture for integration and uniform use of hybrid SQL/NoSQL database components, Journal of Systems and Software 168: 110633, 2020, ISSN: 0164-1212, [eSCI, Impact factor 2020 = 2.45] [M21]
Pajić Simović, A.; Babarogić, S.; Pantelić, O.; Krstović, S. Towards a Domain-Specific Modeling Language for Extracting Event Logs from ERP Systems. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 5476. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125476 [eSCI, Impact factor 2019 = 2.47] [M22]
Elena Jelisic, Nenad Ivezic, Boonserm Kulvatunyou, Pavle Milosevic, Sladjan Babarogic, Zoran Marjanovic, A novel business context-based approach for improved standards-based systems integration—a feasibility study, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Volume 30, 2022, 100385, ISSN 2452-414X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jii.2022.100385. [eSCI, Impact factor 2021 = 11.718] [M21a]
D. Lečić-Cvetković, N. Atanasov, S. Babarogić, N. Aničić: Web-Based Implementation Of Replenishment Process In Distribution Channels – A Case Study, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, vol. 18 no. 6, pp. 291-299, 2011. Online ISSN 1943-670X [eSCI, Impact factor 2010 = 0.203] [M23]
D. Makajić-Nikolić, S. Babarogić, D. Lečić-Cvetković, N. Atanasov: An Algorithm for Production Planning Based on Supply Chain KPIs, International Journal of Computers, Communication and Control, str. 711-720, 2014. ISSN 1841-9836 [eSCI, Impact factor 2014 = 0.746] [M23]
Participation in projects
Preko 50 naučno-istraživačkih i komercijalnih projekata iz oblasti IS
Membership in organizations
Advanced training
2002. Studijski boravak na University of Brighton, UK