Manuel Mazzara
Full professor
Katedra za informacione sisteme
- manuel.mazzara@fon.bg.ac.rs
- 306
- sajt nastavnika
Academic career
PhD Thesis
“Towards Abstractions for Web Services Composition”, University of Bologna.
Selected publications
- “Microservices: yesterday, today, and tomorrow” Manuel Mazzara, Nicola Dragoni, Saverio Giallorenzo, Alberto Lafuente, Fabrizio Montesi, Larisa Safina, Ruslan Mustafin Present and ulterior software engineering, 2017
- “A pi-calculus based semantics for WS-BPEL” Roberto Lucchi, Manuel Mazzara The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 70 (1), 20017
- “Microservices: How To Make Your Application Scale” Nicola Dragoni, Ivan Lanese, Stephan Thordal Larsen, Manuel Mazzara, Ruslan Mustafin, Larisa Safina 11th International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference on Perspectives of System Informatics, LNCS Springer, 2017
- “From monolithic to microservices: an experience report from the banking domain” Antonio Bucchiarone, Nicola Dragoni, Schahram Dustdar, Stephan Thordal Larsen, Manuel Mazzara Ieee Software 35 (3), 2018
- “Microservices: Migration of a mission critical system” Manuel Mazzara, Nicola Dragoni, Antonio Bucchiarone, Alberto Giaretta, Stephan T Larsen, Schahram Dustdar IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 14 (5), 2018
- “Microservices: A Language-Based Approach” Claudio Guidi, Ivan Lanese, Manuel Mazzara, Fabrizio Montesi Present and Ulterior Software Engineering, 2017
- “Trustworthiness for transportation ecosystems: The blockchain vehicle information system” Salvatore Distefano, Andrea Di Giacomo, Manuel Mazzara IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (4), 2021 15 2021
- “Hyperspectral image classification—Traditional to deep models: A survey for future prospects” Muhammad Ahmad, Sidrah Shabbir, Swalpa Kumar Roy, Danfeng Hong, Xin Wu, Jing Yao, Adil Mehmood Khan, Manuel Mazzara, Salvatore Distefano, Jocelyn Chanussot IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing 15, 2021
- “The role of formalism in system requirements” Jean-Michel Bruel, Sophie Ebersold, Florian Galinier, Manuel Mazzara, Alexandr Naumchev, Bertrand Meyer ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (5), 2021
- “A fast and compact 3-D CNN for hyperspectral image classification” Muhammad Ahmad, Adil Mehmood Khan, Manuel Mazzara, Salvatore Distefano, Mohsin Ali, Muhammad Shahzad Sarfraz IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 2020
Participation in projects
- BioDynaMo (2015/2018) – The Open Source Biology dynamics Modeller
- SITAD (2012-2013) – Integrated System of Telemedicine and Home Assistance
- SAFEHR (2012) – Secure Architecture for Electronic Health Record
- DEPLOY (2008-2012) – Industrial deployment of system engineering methods providing high dependability and productivity
- SemBiz (2007) – Semantic Business Process Management for flexible dynamic value chains
- COSPA (2006) – Consortium for Open-Source Software in the Public Administration
- NAPI (2002-2003) – Network Aware Programming and Interoperability
Other relevant data
- Development of Bachelor Program at Innopolis University,
- Development of the Software Engineering Track
- Students’ evaluation regularly pointing at teaching excellence
- Erasmus Mundus mobility stays in Denmark
- Organizer and co-organizer of numerous conferences, workshops and special tracks
- Editor of more than ten books and authors of five