Dragan Vukmirović
Full professors
Katedra za elektronsko poslovanje
- dragan.vukmirovic@fon.bg.ac.rs
- 405
- Wedneday 12:00 - 15:00

Termin konsultacija
Academic career
- 1999, doktor nauka-organizacione nauke, Univerzitet u Beogradu-Fakultet organizacionih nauka
Selected publications
- Marina Jovanovic Milenković, Zoran Radojičić, Dejan Milenković and Dragan Vukmirović (2009). Applying electronic documents in development of the healthcare information system in the Republic of Serbia, Journal ComSIS, 2009. http://www.comsis.org/ComSIS/Vol6No1/RegularPapers/paperK.htm, ISSN 1820-0214, Impact Factor: 0.324, M23
- Veljko Jeremic, Dragan Vukmirovic, Zoran Radojicic (2010). Does Playing Blindfold Chess Reduce the Quality of Game: Comments on Chabris and Hearst (2003) (p ) Cognitive Science ISSN: 0364-0213, Published Online: Dec 11 2009 9:57AM, DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-6709.2009.01086.x, Impact Factor: 2.322, M21
- Veljko Jeremic, Dragan Vukmirovic, Zoran Radojicic, Aleksandar Djokovic (2011), Towards framework for evaluating ICT infrastructure of countries: A Serbian perspective, Metalurgia International, Bimonthly ISSN: 1582-2214, 16(9):15-18. Thomson Reuters SCIe lista, Impact Factor: 0.154, M23,
- Vukmirovic J., Jeremic V., Vukmirovic D. (2012). Towards a Framework for Evaluating Socioeconomic Development of Regions: Serbian Perspective. Actual Problems of Economics, Issue 134, pp. 350-356; WOS:000310484800042; ISSN: 1993-6788, Impact Factor: 0.039, M23
- Jovanovic Milenkovic M., Brajovic B., Milenkovic D., Vukmirovic D., Jeremic V. (2015). Beyond the equal-weight framework of the Networked Readiness Index: A multilevel I-distance methodology, Information Development, vol. 32 br. 4, str. 1120-1136 doi:10.1177/0266666915593136, Impact Factor: 0.491, M23
- Zoran Vučković, DraganVukmirović, Marina Jovanović Milenković, Slobodan Ristić, Katarina Prljić (2018), Analyzing of e-commerce user behavior to detect identity theft Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 511, 1 December 2018, Pages 331-335https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2018.07.059, Impact Factor: 2.132, M23 (2018)
- Zoran Pavlović, Milorad Banjanin, Jovanka Vukmirović, Dragan Vukmirović (2020) Contactless ICT Transaction Model Of The Urban Transport Service, TRANSPORT, ISSN: 1648-4142 Impact Factor: 2020=1.469, http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/transport.2020.12529, M23
- Gajović, A., Bjelica, D., Pavlović, D., & Vukmirović, D. (2023). Educating youth on project sustainability – project engagement and recognition of the European green deal. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, Open Access International Scientific Journal, http://www.aloki.hu/ Impact Factor in 2020: 0.711 Manuscript ref. 14178. http://dx.doi.org/10.15666/aeer/2104_29692989
- Vukmirovic, D., Bolbotinovic, Z., Comic, T., & Stanojevic, D. (2023). HR Analytics: Serbian Perspective. In N. Filipovic (Ed.), Applied Artificial Intelligence: Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Financial, Games, Engineering, (pp. 75-86). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 659. Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-29716-8 ISBN 978-3-031-29717-5 (eBook). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-29717-5
- Dragan Vukmirovic (2020). Introductory Data Science for Managers and Business Leaders – Workshop. Conference: SYMORG 2020. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27339.41764. https://symorg.fon.bg.ac.rs/introductory-data-science-for-managers-and-business-leaders/
Awards and Recognitions
- Nagrada „Kapetan Misa Anastašević“ za razvoj preduzetništva (2009),
- Nagrada Svetske banke („Poboljšanje života ljudi u Evropi i Centralnoj Aziji, 2009, Srbija: Programska procjena siromaštva, ovim se dodeljuje za postizanje izvanrednih rezultata, Dodeljena u februaru 2009.)
- Nagrada IS DOS premium e-government konferencije za doprinos u oblasti istraživanja, 2008.
- Nagrada Diskobolos 2009. za statističke primene za praćenje trendova u sektoru usluga.
Participation in projects
- Team lieder and Key expert:
- “Technical Assistance for Programme for New Era for Statistics””, EuropeAid/139011/IH/SER/TR, Turkey, March 2019 – June 2023
- “Support to the Improvement of Statistical Information System” – Albania, EuropeAid/136334/IH/SER/AL Service contract no. (CRIS) AL/IPA2013/03,June 2016 – June 2018
- Senior Non-Key Expert:
- Support to the EU Integration Process of Albania Reference: EuropeAid/140578/DH/SER/AL Contract: AL/IPA2017/421-648, October 2021 – April 2022
- Senior Expert in the field of survey management (non-key expert position) in July 2014 within the EU funded project “Improving Statistical Information System – Montenegro” (EuropeAid/13327/C/SER/ME) implemented by AAM Management Information Consulting Ltd., July 2014
- Project director:
- IPA 2012 Multi-beneficiary Statistical CO-operation Programme, 01/2014 – 11/2015
- Business and Consumer Surveys, European Commission, 05/2013 – 04/2015
- Economic impact of Social Enterprises, European Commission, 05/2013 – 07/2014
- Serbia Survey on Income and Living Conditions (Serbia SILC), European Commission, 01/2013 – 01/2015
- Business tendency and Consumer Surveys, SIDA, Sweden, 12/2012 – 04/2014
- IPA 2011 Multi-beneficiary Statistical CO-operation, 09/2012 – 09/2014
- Managing Migration and its Effects in SEE – Transnational Actions Towards Evidence Based Strategies (SEEMIG), European Commission – ERDF + IPA contribution, 06/2012 – 11/2014
- Survey on security and crime against businesses in countries/territories of Western Balkans, UNODC, 06/2012 – 04/2013
- Making Migration Work for Development – Policy tools for strategic planning in SEE regions and cities (MMWD), European Commission – ERDF + IPA, 05/2012 – 10/2014
- IPA 2009 Multi-beneficiary Statistical CO-operation Programme, 12/2010 – 12/2012
- Survey of internally displaced persons in needs, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 10/2010 – 01/2011
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 5 (MICS 5), UNICEF, 07/2013 – 12/2014
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 4 (MICS 4, UNICEF, 06/2010 – 05/2011
- IPA 2011 Direct Grant for the Alignment with the ESS, 09/2011 – 09/2014
- Time Use Survey, SIDA, Sweden, 04/2009 – 103/2012
- Satellite Accounts for Cooperatives and Mutuals, EC, DG Enterprise and Industry, 06/2010 – 05/2011
- Razvoj informacionog sistema, Ministarstvo trgovine i usluga RS, 12/2009 – 06/2010
- Razvoj i implementacija statističke aplikacije za praćenje trendova u sektoru usluga, Ministarstvo trgovine i usluga RS, 09/1989 – 06/2010
Membership in organizations
- Elected member of International Statistical Institute – ISI membership no.16877
Other relevant data
- Direktor Republičkog zavoda za statistiku (april 2004 – januar 2015
- Član Republičke izborne komisije (2006-2015)