Ana Poledica
Associate professor
Katedra za upravljanje sistemim
- 119
- sajt nastavnika
- Tuesday 12:00 - 14:00

Termin konsultacija
Academic career
Diploma: 2007, Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Metodološki postupak procesa razvoja web aplikacija
Selected publications
- Poledica, A., Milošević, P., Dragović, I., Petrović, B. and Radojević, G., (2014) Modeling consensus using logic-based similarity measures, Soft Computing, accepted for publication. DOI:10.1007/s00500-014-1476-5 ISSN:1432-7643 (print) ISSN:1433-7479 (online) (M22, IF2013:1.304)
- Rakićević, A., Milošević, P. and Poledica, A., (2014) Sistem za evaluaciju finansijskih performansi kompanije zasnovan na logičkom pristupu, Info M 51, 48-54. UDC:658.787:519.7 ISSN:1451-4397
- Poledica, A., Milošević, P., Dragović I., Radojević, D. and Petrović, B., (2013) A Consensus Model in Group Decision Making Based on Interpolative Boolean Algebra, in: Pasi, G., Montero, J., Ciucci, D., (Eds.) Proceedings of the 8th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-13), Atlantis Press, Amsterdam, 648-654. DOI:10.2991/eusflat.2013.98 ISBN:978-90786-77-78-9 (online), ISSN:1951-6851, volume 32.
- Milošević, P., Nešić, I., Poledica, A., Radojević, D. and Petrović, B., (2013) Models for Ranking Students: Selecting Applicants for a Master of Science Studies, Soft Computing Applications – Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 195, Springer, Berlin, 93-103. ISBN:978-3-642-33940-0 (print), 978-3-642-33941-7 ISSN:2194-5357
- Milošević, P., Poledica, A., Dragović I., Petrović, B. and Radojević, D., (2013) Logic-based Similarity Measures for Consensus, in: Mladenović, N., Savić, G., Kuzmanović, M., Makajić Nikolić, M., Stanojević, M., (Eds.) Proceedings of the 11th Balkan Conference on Operational Research (BALCOR-13), 473-481. ISBN:978-86-7680-285-2
- Kostić, J., Bakajac M., Milošević, P., and Poledica, A., (2013) Ranking of Banks using Logical Aggregation, in: Mladenović, N., Savić, G., Kuzmanović, M., Makajić Nikolić, M., Stanojević, M., (Eds.) Proceedings of the 11th Balkan Conference on Operational Research (BALCOR-13), 3-11. ISBN:978-86-7680-285-2
- Nešić, I., Rakićević, A., Poledica, A., & Petrović, B. (2012). Gaussian variable neighborhood search and enhanced genetic algorithm for continuous optimization. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 39, 273-280. ISBN: 1571-0653. DOI:10.1016/j.endm.2012.10.036.
- Poledica, A., Rakićević, A., & Radojević, D. (2012). Multi-expert decision making using logical aggregation. In C. Kahraman, E. E. Kerre, & F. T. Bozbura (Eds.). Uncertainty modeling in knowledge engineering and decision making: Proceedings of the 10th International FLINS Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29 August 2012 (pp. 561-566). Singapore, World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-4417-73-0. DOI:10.1142/9789814417747_0092.
- Poledica, A., Bogojević-Arsić, V., & Petrović, B. (2010). Logical Aggregation as Similarity Measure in Case-based Reasoning. In D. Ruan, T. Li, Z. Xu, G. Chen, & E. E. Kerre (Eds.) Foundations and Applications of Computational Intelligence: Procedings of the 9th International FLINS Conference, Chengdu, China, 2-4 August 2010 (pp. 585-590). Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. ISBN: 978-981-4324-69-4.
- Medić, K., Krstić, S., & Poledica, A. (2009). Forex market exchange rate forecasting using technical indicator analysis with neural networks. In V. Preda & I. Mierlus-Mazilu (Eds.) Proceedings of the 9th Balkan Conference on Operational Research (BALCOR), Constanta, Romania, 2-6 September 2009. Bucharest, EUROGEMA EXIM SRL. ISBN: 973-86979-9-9.
Awards and Recognitions
- Nagrada za studentski rad „A Consensus Model in Group Decision Making Based on Interpolative Boolean Algebra“ od strane evropske asocijacije za fazi logiku i tehnologiju u okviru 8. međunarodne konferencije EUSFLAT-2013 održane u Milanu (Italija) u septembru 2013. godine. Izveštaj o nagrađenim radovima je objavljen u magazinu „Mathware & Soft Computing Magazine“ u broju vol21n1. ( Nagrada “Student generacije” u školskoj 2006/2007. godini od strane Univerziteta u Beogradu,
Membership in organizations
- IEEE asocijacija
- Evropska asocijacija za fazi logiku i tehnologije (EUSFLAT).