Erasmus+ mobility of teaching and administrative staff of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in the academic year 2023/24.

Within the Erasmus+ mobility program, employees of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences stayed at seven universities from Germany, Slovenia, France, Italy, Norway, Romania, and Croatia during the academic year 2023/24. These visits were realized within the inter-university cooperation between the University of Belgrade and other higher education institutions from the European Union. 

From October 16th to 20th, 2023, Bojana Ivanović Bovan, an international relations officer, participated in a five-day Staff Week program titled “Ready for COIL?” held at the Berlin School of Economics and Law in Berlin, Germany. The event gathered 34 participants from 29 universities across Europe. The program focused on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and Blended Intensive Programs (BIP), aiming to foster deliberate, inclusive, and intercultural thinking among participants. It included workshops on COIL implementation, pedagogy, and utilization of virtual components, along with cultural activities to enhance intercultural competencies. The aim of this program was to promote international cooperation and exchange among professors, staff, and students. 

Professor Ivan Luković, PhD, visited the University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia, from November 7th to 15th, 2023. During his visit, he delivered an invited lecture to employees and doctoral students titled “Organizational Capabilities for Managing Information – Do We Feel the Crisis of Big Data?”. He also conducted lectures as part of the master’s program in Data Science, covering “Introduction to Data Science and Methodology” in the first year and “Approaches to Data Science Methodology” in the second year. This visit enabled Professor Luković to further develop collaboration with colleagues from the University of Primorska and facilitate mutual exchange of experiences, both in teaching approaches in the field of data science and in research activities. Additionally, this visit opens up prospects for creating more intensive collaboration between the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and the University of Primorska. 


Associated Professor Miloš Milosavljević, PhD, participated in an Erasmus+ exchange at the University of Primorska – Faculty of Management in Koper, Slovenia, from March 25th to 29th, 2024. He delivered a series of lectures to a group of undergraduate students who attend classes in English on the subject of Corporate Finance, led by Professor Igor Stubelj, PhD. Professor Miloš Milosavljević covered thematic units on Leasing and Working Capital Management – inventories, receivables, and short-term liabilities, short-term financial placements, and cash. In addition to lectures, Professor Miloš Milosavljević participated in meetings with the faculty management and colleagues from the finance department to discuss potentials for further international cooperation between the Faculty of Organizational Sciences (FON) and the Faculty of Management, particularly through the participation of researchers in conferences organized by both faculties and student exchanges at the FON Summer School, of which Professor Milosavljević is the co-coordinator. 

Professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Dušan Barać, PhD, carried out his mobility at the Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) in France from April 8th to 12th, 2024. During his visit, Professor Barać delivered a lecture on the topic “Digital Business Ecosystems: Innovations and Technologies” to master’s students in management, business, and digitalization. This diverse group of over 20 students showed great interest in learning and engaging with current topics. Additionally, the professor had productive meetings with Professor Eric Hertzler, responsible for international cooperation at UPEC, who has been collaborating with and maintaining good relations with the Faculty of Organizational Sciences and colleagues from the Center for Innovation and the Research and Development Center for many years 

Ana Kićanović, PhD, an associate professor at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in the Department of Quality Management and Standardization, completed her Erasmus+ mobility at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa, Italy, from April 15th to 19th, 2024. As part of her visit, she delivered a lecture on the topic “The Role of Standards in the Development of Innovative Technologies, Products, or Services: Examples from Various Industries” in the study program Strategy, Management, and Control, as well as a lecture on “European Standardization System” within the Marketing and Market Research study program. She enriched her experience by exchanging knowledge with the professors who hosted her at the University of Pisa, discussing contemporary teaching methods and the latest research results in the field. 

Assistant Professor Milica Marič, PhD, participated in an Erasmus+ mobility exchange at the University of Oslo, Norway, from April 22nd to 26th, 2024, where she had an exceptionally inspiring experience. Milica visited the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo and collaborated with undergraduate and doctoral students engaged in this department. As part of her activities, she delivered a lecture on the topic “Introduction to Clustering Methods” in an undergraduate course. 

Andrea Nikolić, an assistant at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, completed her Erasmus+ mobility at the University of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romania. During her visit from April 1st to 5th, 2024, Andrea delivered two lectures for undergraduate and master’s students. The topic of the first lecture was “Legal Obligations and Liability in Ransomware Attacks” for postgraduate studies in banking and new technologies. The second lecture, in the course “Law of Communication and New Technologies” for undergraduate studies, was titled “European Legal Framework for Artificial Intelligence.” 

Associate Professor Sladjana Barjaktarović Rakočević, PhD from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences conducted her teaching mobility at the Berlin School of Economics and Law in Berlin, Germany, from May 13th to 17th, 2024. For two groups of international undergraduate students, Professor Barjaktarović Rakočević delivered a lecture on “Capital Investment Decision Making” as part of the Managerial Accounting course. Additionally, she also delivered a lecture on “Fintech in Serbia – Examples and Regulation” for master’s students enrolled in the dual program “Current Issues in Digital Financial Services“ 

Gabriela Miljković, a librarian from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, completed her Erasmus+ mobility in the administrative staff category. She visited the University of Zagreb – Faculty of Organization and Informatics (FOI) in Varaždin, Croatia, from May 13th to 17th, 2024. During her visit, she familiarized herself with the work and colleagues from the library of the partner faculty, where her host was her colleague Bernarda Kos, Head of library at FOI. Gabriela visited the City Library “Metel Ožegović” in Varaždin, as well as the National and University Library in Zagreb, a modern building with a large collection, four reading rooms on several levels, many users, and events. She met colleagues in the restoration and conservation department, who introduced her to all phases of their work, providing a unique experience. She also visited the section where rare and old books, manuscripts, and incunabula, the first printed books, are kept, housed in the library’s vault. She visited the Croatian State Archives located in a Secession-style building in Zagreb, a botanical garden, and many famous places. 

All realized Erasmus+ mobilities represent an important step towards strengthening academic cooperation between the mentioned universities and the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, opening up new opportunities for future projects and research.